Presentation of the book Funny teachings of Khoja Nasreddin

Reading time: 7 min.

The Art and Culture Development Foundation presents the book Funny Teachings of Khoja Nasreddin. On February 11, the State Puppet Theater of Uzbekistan will host the presentation of the book Funny Teachings of Khoja Nasreddin and the premiere of the play “Oh, this Nasreddin” using tiflocommenting.

On February 11, the State Puppet Theater of Uzbekistan will host the presentation of the book Funny Teachings of Khoja Nasreddin and the premiere of the play Oh, this Nasreddin using tiflocommenting.

Khoja Nasreddin is a folk character of people of Central Asia, as well as the people of the Middle East and the Caucasus. He is a hero of humorous and satirical stories, jokes and fairytales. The stories of Khoja Nasreddin are an integral part of the intangible cultural heritage of modern Uzbekistan. Over the centuries, the stories of Khoja Nasreddin have been passed from mouth to mouth with numerous manifestations of wisdom and universal humor. Nasreddin is loved by children and adults for the kindness and help he provides to ordinary people.

The children's book Funny Teachings of Khoja Nasreddin is a result of joint work of the Foundation and the German company Cultural-Cooperation International e.V with the support of the Ministry of Preschool Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan aimed at popularizing the culture and art of Uzbekistan abroad. The book was released in November 2019 by Peacock Verlag Berlin.

The print edition included 40 stories of Khoja Nasreddin in Uzbek, Russian, German and English. The main feature of this book is that it was created with the direct participation of children and preschool educational organizations of Uzbekistan and Germany. Their own artworks were used as illustrations to the stories. An international competition was organized for the selection of illustrations, organized by the Foundation in conjunction with the Ministry of Preschool Education and the Syndicate of Preschools in Berlin.

The book is accompanied by a CD with a polyphonic audio recording of the stories voiced by famous Uzbek and German actors. Therefore, the book is available to visually-impaired and blind children.

As a part of the presentation of the book Funny Teachings of Khoja Nasreddin, an exhibition of tactile models of children's drawings, selected according to the results of the international competition, will be organized. For children, master classes and an entertainment program will be held. The presentation was prepared with the support of Ko‘ngil Ko‘zi project. After the presentation, the premiere of the puppet show “Oh, this Nasreddin” will take place with tiflocommenting.

On February 12 and 13, 2020, the play Oh, this Nasreddin along with the exhibition and master classes were attended by over 500 children aged 6 to 10 years old. The book Funny Teachings of Khoja Nasreddin will be distributed among preschool institutions in Uzbekistan and Germany in order to popularize the culture of Uzbekistan.


The program of the event at the State Puppet Theater of Uzbekistan from February 11 to 13:

11:00-12:40. Tactile exhibition of children's drawings Funny Teachings of Khoja Nasreddin and master classes for children "Do it yourself"

12:00-12:50. Presentation of the book Funny Teachings of Khoja Nasreddin

13:00-14:00. Puppet show “Oh, this Nasreddin”

February 11 - performances with tiflocommenting,
February 12-13 - without tiflocommenting.

Additional Information:

The Art and Culture Development Foundation under the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan was created in pursuance of the Decree of the President of October 16, 2017 and is engaged in the expansion of international cultural relations, the development of philanthropy in the country, as well as the promotion of the culture of Uzbekistan on the world stage. Since its inception, the Foundation has been implementing a number of large-scale international projects, such as the reconstruction of the State Museum of Art, the Samarkand Half Marathon international charity race, the opening of the Center for Contemporary Art in Tashkent, the exhibition “Civilizations and Cultures on the Silk Road” at the Louvre Museum, and several others.

Peacock Verlag Berlin is a German publishing house that specializes in publishing literary masterpieces from Central Asia and the Middle East, including The Rosary by Sheikh Saadi, Authentic Rubaiyyat by Omar Khayyam, The Secrets of the Four Dervishes by Amir Khusrau, etc.

Tiflocommenting - is a concise description of an object, space or action that is comprehensible to the blind without special verbal explanations. Direct tiflocommenting is a way of audio-description, when a specialist is familiar with the scenario in advance and prepares tiflocommentary for the performance. Direct tiflocommenting at a children's play will be held in Uzbekistan for the first time.
