Audiobook of Funny Teachings of Khoja Nasriddin is available in four languages: English, Russian, Uzbek and German

Reading time: 2 min.

In February this year, the Art and Culture Development Foundation developed under the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan presented in Tashkent the first children's book published as part of the Foundation's publishing program. The book Funny Teachings of Khoja Nasriddin includes 40 stories in Uzbek, Russian, German and English. The main feature of this publication is that it was created with the direct participation of preschool children in Uzbekistan and Germany. Their drawings have been used to illustrate the stories. To select the illustrations, an international competition was organized by the Foundation in collaboration with the Ministry of Preschool Education and the syndicate of pre-school institutions in Berlin.

The book is accompanied by a CD with multiple voice-audio recordings of the stories by famous Uzbek and German actors. Now everyone can listen to this audiobook. The Foundation has published the recording on its YouTube channel.

The book Funny Teachings of Khoja Nasriddin is the result of a joint partnership between the Foundation and the German company Cultural-Cooperation International e.V  with the support of the Ministry of Preschool Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and was designed to promote the culture and art of Uzbekistan abroad.