The scholarship program application process for universities in Uzbekistan has started

Reading time: 6 min.

For the second year, the Art and Culture Development Foundation under the Ministry of Culture of Republic of Uzbekistan implements a scholarship program for students studying in universities of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The program is held on a competitive basis, after which the winners will receive a scholarship to study in the chosen higher educational institutions of Uzbekistan.

Starting from this year, some changes have been made. Now according to the new program requirements, applications for participation can be submitted by students of those universities which are not included in the list of educational institutions that have been named by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Moreover, students have an opportunity to get the scholarship both at the undergraduate and graduate levels.  Under the terms of the program, students in the following areas of study can become candidates for participation:

  • Management in the field of culture and art
  • Restoration and preservation
  • Architecture
  • Cultural tourism
  • Graphic design
  • Fine art
  • Museology

Selection stages

The competition will be held in two stages:

- At the first stage, students must apply to participate in the scholarship program until September 15, 2019. This can be done by following the link. It is obligatory to fill out all the fields of the application form and provide supporting documents. A sample of the personal statement for participation in the competition established by the Foundation can be found at the following links: Ариза (in Uzbek) or Заявление (in Russian).

- At the second stage of selection, candidates who passed the first stage will be invited to a face-to-face interview, which will be held on September 24, 2019 in the building of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Candidates’ selection criteria are the following:

  • academic performance;
  • scientific and research work;
  • general erudition;
  • analytical skills;
  • organizational skills;
  • motivation for development;
  • social activity;
  • awareness of the importance and benefits of the chosen specialty and its role in the development of culture and art in the country

General conditions for candidates:


Competition participants, at the time of the application process, must be a student of the universities of Uzbekistan;

  • First year undergraduate students cannot participate in the competition;
  • Candidates cannot be winners of several scholarship programs at the same time;
  • The administration of the program reserves the right to terminate the contract at any stage of the competition, if false information is found in the documents provided by the candidate;
  • The winners of this scholarship program, who will be paid for one year at their own university, cannot participate in the program again;
  • The scholarship holder, after receiving the appropriate educational degree (bachelor/master), within three months, by the decision of the scholarship commission of the Foundation, is employed in the priority areas of institutions of culture and art, under the supervision of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Duration of employment: at least one year.

The General schedule of the competition:

  • acceptance of the applications: until September 15, 2019
  • finalists selected by September 18, 2019
  • announcement of finalists: September 20, 2019
  • face-to-face interview stage: September 24, 2019
  • summing-up of the results of the competition: September 26, 2019
  • announcement of the winners: September 27, 2019

Information for the winners of the competition:

  • conclusion of the agreement with the winners: within 10 working days from the results’ announcement date;
  • stipends payment: until the end of September, 2019. The amount of the agreed annual stipend will be transferred to the account of the institution where the program winner’s study will take place

The winners of the scholarship program can be creative people who are able to share their knowledge and skills, generate new ideas, implement them and take personal responsibility for the results, as well as individuals who are ready to gather together a team of like-minded people and inspire them to achieve a common goal.

For the winners of the scholarship program, payment in the amount of the annual contract will be distributed for the 2019-2020 academic year until the end of September 2019.