Cultural institutions of Uzbekistan are connected to the Single electronic system of ticket operations

Reading time: 3 min.

The Art and Culture Development Foundation under the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan has launched a step-by-step implementation of a Single electronic system of ticket operations in the activities of cultural institutions in the country.

As a pilot, the State Academic Bolshoi Theatre of Uzbekistan named after Alisher Navoi, the Uzbek National Academic Drama Theatre, the State Musical Theater named after Mukimi and the Bukhara State Architectural Art Museum-Preserve will be connected to the SESTO. At the first stage of the test period, employees of these institutions will get acquainted with the features of the system and start using it while selling tickets. After the end of the pilot period, all state theaters, museums, and other subordinate organizations of the Ministry of Culture will be connected to the SESTO.

The main purpose of implementing the system is to monitor ticket operations in cultural institutions in the country, ensure transparency, quality and safety of provided services, and minimize speculative activities in this area. The emergence of a regulator will improve the competitive environment, lead to market demonopolization, and potentially increase the profit of all interested parties due to the synergistic effect.

The SESTO will develop optimal communication between the organizers of cultural events, agents, and viewers. The visitors will be provided with comfortable conditions for online ticket purchase and their contactless use when visiting an event or cultural institution.

Also, at this step, the issue of using blockchain technology in the SESTO will be worked out. The blockchain system will ensure transparency of ticket operations, including mechanisms for creating a secure data chain in which all events related to their sale will be recorded. Records in such a chain cannot be modified or deleted.

The launch of the SESTO will not limit the operation of existing platforms for online ticket sales for cultural events and the activities of service providers and third-party services. The created competitive environment will leave the right to choose a convenient and suitable service for the buyer.