Summer School ‘Creative Industry Management’

Reading time: 4 min.

On 11 June 2018, the summer school ‘Creative Industry Management’ was opened in Tashkent. The organisers of the summer school were the Westminster International University in Tashkent (WIUT) and the Art & Culture Development Foundation under the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The summer school is a project aimed at forming the foundations of theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of creative industry. The programme covers economic, organisational and professional aspects in the management of cultural institutions and other areas in the creative industry and covers such issues as marketing in art, museum management, theatres, film industry and tourism management. 

The summer school was attended by students of the WIUT, the State Institute of Arts and Culture of Uzbekistan, and the Tashkent State Economic University who were selected based on merit. 

The programme of the summer school of Creative Industry Management was developed with the participation of the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art (Moscow). Among the lecturers of the school were Anton Belov, Director of the Museum; Darya Kotova, the director of the Department of Development, Marketing and Advertising; Anna Trapkova, Deputy Director responsible for reconstruction and development projects; curators Ekaterina Lazareva and Alesia Veremyeva; and Public Relations Department Coordinator Alena Solovyeva.

The summer school courses were delivered not only by university lecturers, but also by invited specialists, entrepreneurs, cultural workers and artists who were willing to share their experience with students.

The filmmaker Zulfikar Musakov, an Honoured Artist of the Republic of Uzbekistan, ran a master class and a volunteer programme was presented within the framework of the summer school, on the basis of the Focus School of Arts.

The goal of the programme was to encourage the development of volunteer initiatives contributing to increasing the social activity of youth, reflection on spiritual and moral values, and the acquisition of professional management skills for creative industries. 

In particular, the programme invited the audience to consider the concept of creative entrepreneurship, and modern models of development and the functioning of museums. The course focused on the basics of culture and art management in a broad public context.

The participants worked on the professional duties of arts managers, including interaction with partners, assessment of risks and opportunities, as well as marketing strategies.

Training in the summer school of Creative Industry Management is free. Following the results of the course, all participants receive a completion certificate. 

Art & Culture Development Foundation under The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan was established in October 2017 with the purpose of providing state support, ensuring further development of national culture and arts in Uzbekistan, and expanding international and intergovernmental cultural links. 

Media Office of Art & Culture Development Foundation under The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan