The Samarkand Marathon Children's Academy for children with ASD was created

Reading time: 8 min.

The Samarkand Marathon Children's Academy for children with an autism spectrum disorder was created by the Art and Culture Development Foundation The Academy is the stated result of the Samarkand Charity Marathon 2020.

The Samarkand Marathon Children's Academy is a new specialized creative space for children with ASD (autism spectrum disorder). Located in Navruz Park, the academy has facilities for creative and interactive activities: a recreation area, a creative workshop, a courtyard, and a waiting area for parents. It will be accessible to both teenagers and young children.

The Academy will be a rehabilitation center for children and their parents, which will help develop their skills through creativity.

Saida Mirziyoyeva, Deputy Chairwoman of the Council of Art and Culture Development Foundation:

"Our goal is to help children to integrate into the social environment properly, to teach them to adapt, to become independent and to find their place in society. Samarkand Marathon Children's Academy is one of the first steps towards this goal. This space will be a place where parents can support each other, exchange ideas and experiences. We will involve local and international specialists to provide a decent environment for rehabilitation through art and creative activities."

Gayane Umerova, Executive Director of the Art and Culture Development Foundation:

"The Art and Culture Development Foundation of the Republic of Uzbekistan is holding the Samarkand Marathon charity run for the fourth year in a row. We have set an ambitious goal as development of inclusive environment in Uzbekistan through charity sports and cultural events. Over the years, the Samarkand Marathon has managed to become a social model and a leading flagship sport event, which attracts thousands of tourists and athletes annually, both from the regions of our country, and from abroad. The goal of this year's charity marathon is to adapt museums for the blind and visually impaired.

The team of the Foundation will work on creating tactile models of famous artworks and exhibits, and an audio guide system will be introduced in the museums of Uzbekistan. Work in this direction will be carried out in cooperation with leading foreign specialists in this field. In general, we hope that the marathon will help to attract additional attention and resources to this topic.

Ensuring equal access for all people to culture and art, regardless of their physical abilities, is one of the most important tasks of the Culture and Art Development Fund. The main goal of Samarkand Marathon is to attract public attention to the problems of accessibility and creation of an inclusive environment in cultural and creative institutions."

Samarkand Marathon 2019

In November 2019, the first international marathon was held in the city of Samarkand, the purpose of which was to attract public attention to the problem of accessibility and inclusiveness of cultural and art facilities, as well as the promotion of healthy lifestyles and the development of sports tourism in Uzbekistan. More than 1,100 participants took part. Every year, the proceeds from the participants' entry fees are donated to a charitable cause. The proceeds from the 2019 Marathon were used to implement a typhlo-commentary project in theaters in Tashkent.

As a result, equipment was purchased, more than 20 performances with typhlo-commenting were held, and the first two specialists (Samira Kakhramonova, Nazima Bakhromova) were trained under the Foundation's grant in the REACOMP Institute (Russia). Every year the Foundation announces a grant for training in the specialty of typhlo-commenting.

Samarkand Marathon 2020

The 2020 Marathon was held online in a pandemic environment. More than 3,000 people took part in the marathon online along with participants on the actual course. In 2020, the mission of the Samarkand Marathon was to bring awareness to the issues of children with autism.

Thanks to the funds raised by the marathon participants and partners, the Samarkand Marathon Children's Academy for children with ASD was created. The Academy will have a special children's program, including an art therapy course and a special program to develop the creative potential of children with ASD. Specialists and participants from centers such as Contact Profi (Uzbekistan), Down Side Sport (Uzbekistan), and representatives of the Spectrum Uzbekistan Autismkids community of parents and children with ASD (Uzbekistan) will be invited as part of the program.

Samarkand Marathon 2021

In 2021 more than 2200 people took part in the race. The mission of the 2021 charity run is to employ people with disabilities in cultural institutions.

People with disabilities need support to integrate into society. The work in this direction is carried out in stages. At this stage, the problems in the sphere of employment of persons with disabilities are being studied.

In the near future, the Foundation will announce an open competition for institutions.

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) - is a whole group of different conditions that are characterized by certain difficulties in social interaction and communication.

About the Art and Culture Development Foundation under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan

The Art and Culture Development Foundation initiates projects aimed at the development of culture, art, literature, theater, music, architecture and choreography in Uzbekistan. It builds international cultural ties and promotes the country's cultural potential in the international arena. Among the Foundation's long-term programmes are the creation of an inclusive and accessible environment in the country's cultural institutions, the renovation of museums, the development of patronage and assistance in the formation of human resources for museums, theaters and other cultural institutions.

