New book "Russian Avant-Garde"

Reading time: 2 min.

The Art and Culture Development Foundation, in collaboration with Assouline Publishing, has published the book "Russian Avant-Garde, Vol.1" by Yaffa Assouline, Photography by Harald Gottschalk.

"Russian Avant-Garde" presents the Karakalpakstan State Museum of Art named after Igor Savitsky, aka the Nukus Museum, and its collection of Russian avant-garde artworks, one of the largest collections in the world. The book describes the rise of the art movement, the story of its artists and the story of Igor Vitalievich Savitsky, detailing his role and invaluable contribution to the formation of the museum and preservation of the collection.

It is the second book, in a series of three, dedicated to the Nukus Museum. The book "Avant-Garde Orientalists" was published earlier. A third book, Russian Avant-Garde Vol.2 will be released next.
