Art and Culture Development Foundation in partnership with Scala Arts & Heritage Publishers published a book dedicated to the Savitsky Museum of Art

Reading time: 3 min.

State Museum of the Republic of Karakalpakstan named after I.V. Savitsky, also known as The Nukus Museum of Art, is an oasis of art in the heart of the desert. The museum collection contains about one hundred thousand museum items, including one of the largest collections of Russian avant-garde in the world. Its unique collection is the pride of Uzbekistan and attracts specialists and art lovers from all over the world.

The Art and Culture Development Foundation, in partnership with Scala Arts & Heritage Publishers, is proud to present a new art publication dedicated to this unique museum. The book emphasises the immeasurable value and role of the Nukus Museum of Art in the international art context.

The book has been published in Uzbek, Russian, English and French as a part of the "Collection Highlights" series, dedicated to the best collections of the world museums.

The publication is accompanied with the rich academic commentary and, at the same time, is accessible to the general public. The book tells about the cultural and historical heritage of Uzbekistan and the achievements of the country in the arts.

We hope that this publication will lead to the emergence of new connoisseurs of art, who will have the opportunity not only to learn the history of the museum, but also to get in touch with the masterpieces of the unique treasury of Nukus, and it will inspire them to visit the museum in person.
